Six Sigma, SPC, TQM, etc etc, When will North AMericans admit that Lean is
the way. Denying it and putting it off with such nonsense as the acronym
ridden North America is only prolonging the inevitable.
Get with it NA! GO LEAN.
Lean uses some of the "statistical or mathematical" tools contained in these
programs. But programs don't work well, culture change and way of life is
the only way to cause signficant sustained change in manufacturing.
Post by ISO GuyDiscussions at
Post by TonyI find it amazing that new web sites are still being build promoting six
sigma and the 3.4 dpmo nonsense. When will people wake up ?
For those who are unaware of the details of six sigma's step backwards into
Dr Tony Burns
Post by Dave777Just wanted to share with you that along with some Black Belt students
we are participating in a new site to upload and share six sigma
documents just in case you would like
to join us.
Warm regards